WP6: Project management in nutshell
What has happened in the management of the project? During the first 18 months:
- Contract with partners have been signed
- Three committees have been set up:
- Project Management Committee (PMC)
- International Advisory and Evaluation Board (IAEB)
- Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC)
- The managerial structure and processes have been agreed
- The project communication structure has been set up
- Altogether 100 events (online/in persons) with 1182 persons have been held
- Four project meeting have been carried out:
- Kick -of meeting – online (4 days in January-February 2021)
- Meeting – online (October 14-15, 2022)
- Meeting in Kosice, Slovakia -in person/online (March 2-4, 2022)
- Meeting in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan -in person/online (October 13-14, 2022)
- Eleven bilateral meetings between coordinator (TUKE) and all CA HEIs (May -October 2021)
- Series of online meetings and/or consultancy on Financial management
- The Minutes from four project meetings have been prepared and agreed
- The purchase of Equipment (books) has been started.
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