Publishing Ethics
Publishing department of Khorog State University. M. Nazarshoeva (Editorial Board of the “Bulletin of Khorog University”), recognizing the scientific value and practical significance of the authors’ scientific research, enters into the method of scientific communications and is a platform for the development of relevant areas of scientific knowledge.
The editorial policy of the scientific journal Vestnik of Khorog University is based on generally accepted ethical principles of scientific periodicals and is built taking into account the ethical standards of work of editors and publishers, enshrined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In the process of publishing activities, the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Khorog University is guided by the laws of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the press and other media”, “On copyright and related rights”, “On publishing”, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of science, the Khorog Charter State University named after M. Nazarshoev.
The editors ask authors to follow the rules below.
Criteria for submitted articles
Submit a previously unpublished article. The article must contain only original results of the work of the author(s).
Incorrect borrowings, plagiarism and excessive self-citation are not allowed.
Only those researchers who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the results should be listed as authors in the article. It is assumed that at the time of submitting the article, all authors agree with the publication in the journal and do not object to the order in which authors are listed in the article.
The article should contain in the citation list only those sources that were used during the research; All sources must be referenced in the text of the article.
The data based on which the research was carried out by the team of authors must be obtained from authoritative official sources, a link to which in the text of the article is required.
Provide information about the sources of funding for the research (under what project the article was prepared, for example, research work of the department, a grant from the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, etc.);
Review principles:
The article is reviewed strictly according to the principle of double-blind reviewing: the authors do not know the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know the names of the authors;
Each manuscript is treated as a confidential document. Any distribution and publication of received materials by the reviewer is not permitted, including for open review, as well as for personal use.
The purpose of the review is to express the expert’s own opinion on the issues of reliability, novelty, and significance of the results obtained.
The object of review is the result of the research. The expert opinion must be impartial: the discrepancy between the scientific positions of the author and the reviewer is the basis for a scientific discussion, but in itself cannot serve as a sufficient basis for refusing to publish an article.
An article rejected for the second time by the reviewer(s) is removed from consideration by the editors (not allowed for publication).
An article is considered accepted for publication if there is a positive review and if it is supported by members of the editorial board. The order and priority of publication of an article are determined depending on the date of receipt of its final version.
Violations and liability:
If a violation of the norms of publication ethics by the author is identified at the stage of reviewing the article, this may serve as sufficient grounds for refusal to publish.
Violation of publication ethics standards by a reviewer or editor may serve as grounds for termination of cooperation by the journal.
Violations identified after the publication of the article are subject to detailed review by interested parties by the practices recommended by the editorial board. Minor violations may be corrected by publishing official clarifications. Significant violations entail the removal of the article from publication with a notice of this on the pages and website of the journal.
The fact of a violation of publication ethics can only be established with the participation of all parties to the conflict that arose as a result of such a violation. Until such a fact is established, any case must be described as a suspected violation. All such suspicions are necessarily considered by the editorial board of the journal.