Articles submitted to the editorial office undergo a preliminary examination (conducted by members of the editorial board – specialists in the relevant field of science) and are accepted in the prescribed manner. Requirements for the design of original articles are given in each issue of the journal.

If the manuscript is accepted, the editors inform the author of comments on the content and design of the article, which must be addressed before submitting the text for review. Then the articles are reviewed without fail by members of the journal’s editorial board or experts in the relevant specialty (candidates and doctors of science).

The review must contain a reasonable listing of the qualities of the article, including the scientific novelty of the problem, its relevance, scientific value, accuracy of citation, style of presentation, use of modern sources, as well as a motivated listing of its shortcomings. In conclusion, a general assessment of the article is given and recommendations for the editorial board – publish the article, publish it after revision, send it for additional review to a specialist on a certain topic, or reject it. The volume of the review is at least one page of text.

An article accepted for publication, but in need of revision, is sent to the authors with comments from the reviewer and editor. The authors must make all necessary corrections to the final version of the manuscript and return the corrected text to the editor, as well as its identical electronic version, along with the original version of the manuscript. After revision, the article is re-reviewed, and the editorial board decides on its publication.

An article is considered accepted for publication if there is a positive review and if it is supported by members of the editorial board. The order and priority of publication of an article are determined depending on the date of receipt of its final version.
A review of the manuscript is carried out confidentially.

Disclosure of confidential details of a manuscript review violates the author’s rights. Reviewers are not permitted to make copies of articles for their own needs.
Reviewers, as well as members of the editorial board, do not have the right to use the information contained in the manuscript for their interests before its publication.
Reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal.